Corporate Digital Signage

Bring more life to your offices with corporate signages!

corporate digital signage solutions

Reliable, easy to operate and effortless

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Highlight what your company stands for!

If you are a big organization that has recently employed signages, make sure you start with the vision and mission statement. By doing so, you will make sure that everyone knows what your business and values stand for.

Welcome new clients
Display your vision/mission statement
Welcome new employees
Announce promotions

Celebrate achievements or milestones!

By doing so, a company can ensure that the morale of its employees is high, they feel proud to be a part of a great place, and work hard towards the company’s goals. A centralized system to manage content across all screens will save on time and costs as well.

Highlight company’s achievements
Display quarterly sales figures
Showcase company’s goals/targets
Display certifications/credentials to build more trust
employee engagement display

Use Cases

Welcome new clients/guests

Signages would definitely make a great impression when guests arrive. With the right message displayed to welcome them, they could be made to feel at ease and in confidence of your services.

Highlight company values

What your organization stands for is very important to be communicated. Digital Signages can help you pass on what your work stands for.

Strengthen team dynamics

Team bonding is very important for the productivity of employees. By displaying the best performing team, employee, new promotion or welcoming a fresh recruit, team building activities can be established.

Key Benefits

Corporate signages have a diverse use. A single screen can be put to multiple uses.
They are more attention grabbing which makes communication more impactful.
They are easy to use and manage compared to other modes of communication
A centralized solution can be used to manage lots of screens easily
With the template editor, you don't need the services of a professional designer.
benefits of corporate digital signage

Corporate Digital Signage FAQs!

A corporate digital signage are those screens you see across big organizations that are used to communicate, market and establish a strong business value in the market.

Signages can be used for a variety of purposes like promoting your services, displaying sales figures, mission/vision statements, welcoming guests or simply putting an inspirational quote.

Setting up the hardware would be the one time cost. The softwares to manage signages makes your job very easy and you need to pay just a few dollars to use them.

You would need the internet connection only when you are pushing a new update to the screens. The content, once downloaded to the device, does not need internet connection to play it on screen.